Ryoo, A. (2016). An encounter with fleeting moments. International Journal of Education & the Arts, 17(31), http://www.ijea.org/v17n31/v17n31.pdf
Ryoo, A. (2015). Lingering thoughts on contemporary/new/media/art/education. The Canadian Art Teacher, 13(2), 38-41.
Ryoo, A., Lin, C., & Grauer, K. (2014). “Don’t judge me. What would you do?”: Dialogue though a youth-made film. Journal of Cultural Research in Art Education, 31.
Ryoo, A. (Accepted). Wandering through the act of professing confessions in subjective time. In Samuel D. Rocha (Ed.), [Title to be determined]. Routledge.
Ryoo, A., & Rocha, S. D. (2018). Review of Art, artists and pedagogy: Philosophy and the arts in education by Christopher Naughton, Gert Biesta, and David R. Cole (Eds.). Philosophical Inquiry in Education, 25(2), 250-254.
O’Donoghue, D., Lenz-Kothe, E., Thomas, K., Berard, M., Smith, B., & Ryoo, A. (2016). Mentoring: To ease one into something, something not yet one’s own. Visual Inquiry: Learning & Teaching Art, 5(3), 369-378.
Weir, P., Thompson, M., Markey, S., Wagner, D., Nalbantoglu, J., Crump, A., & Ryoo, A. (September, 2017). Re-imagining PhD: Doctoral comprehensive exam. The comprehensive examination – Rooted in history. Retrieved from https://cags.ca/rethinkingphd-dissertation/
Porter, S., Young, L., Aarssen, L., Gibbs, R., Klein, R., Paré, A., Ryoo, A., & Wood-Adams, P. (August 30, 2016). The doctoral dissertation: Purpose, content, structure, assessment. Retrieved from https://cags.ca/rethinkingphd-dissertation/
Unpublished Master's Thesis
Ryoo, A. (2014). Art education and new media: Understanding the roles of artists and educators in the age of immediacy. cIRcle: UBC’s Digital Repository: Electronic Theses and Dissertations (ETDs). https://open.library.ubc.ca/collections/ubctheses/24/items/1.0135543
Manuscripts in Progress
Ryoo, A. Art Education and Social Justice. Marilyn Zurmuehlen Working Papers in Art Education. (Upcoming issue).
Ryoo, A. A Collage of Stories. Art Education (Special issue on – Reflections in Isolation as History in the Making).
Ryoo, A. When the “Digital Encounter and Subjective Presence” are Forced to Occur through Public Digital Squares in the Glaring Light. The American Association for the Advancement of Curriculum Studies (AAACS).